Saturday, January 23, 2016

Literacy Autobiography

        As long as I can remember, I have always love reading and that is mainly due to my mother. I grew up in a household filled with an abundance of love; however, not an abundance of material things (such as a television or video games). I was blessed to be surrounded by a lot of books and a mother that loved reading to me and my sisters. My mother would read to us in Spanish, and would mainly read us chapter books which did not have many pictures. My favorite book that she read to me was Heidi. At an early age, I learned how to make vivid pictures in my head about the stories I read or they were read to me. The interesting part was that when I did read picture books, I always ended up recreating the stories with my own pictures in my head!

        As a student in elementary school, I remember teachers used reading as a form of punishment; when the class was not doing what they were supposed to, the teacher would say, “everyone take out your books and read”. I honestly didn’t understand it as a child, but as I reflect back I can see how many students would dislike reading because it was used as a form of punishment in a classroom. In middle school, I had a teacher that loved reading and she would have us pick what we wanted to read, even if it was a magazine. Mrs. Wilson would set 30 minutes of the day aside so we could read and during that time she would read as well. We were allowed to sit and read in any part of the classroom we wanted; and if we chose to lay on the floor we were allowed to, as long as we read. As an adult and a teacher, I now know that her teaching strategy was to get the students excited about reading no matter what it was and to model the behavior as well. 



   My favorite books as an adult are 'Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas', and 'I Hope they Serve Beer in Hell'. I love reading all types of genres... there are few things in the world that I like to do better than reading (one would probably be dancing!). I would love to have more time to read for myself, ratherthan only reading children’s book to my two year old daughter Mia, and to my preschool students (laughing). However, I know how important it is to read to children and how reading influences their vocabulary, compression, and language. 

         Prior to the internet, anything I read was physically in my hands. I am that person that will still go to the library to take out books. I personally love the feeling of holding the book and turning the pages. My husband has tried twice to incorporate me into this world where people read using Kindles, Nooks, and tablets but, I honestly can’t. I am that 30 year old still going to the library to take out books….. And I love it! LOL!

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