Saturday, April 16, 2016


Assessing preschoolers’ emergent literacy skills in English and Spanish with the Get Ready to Read! Screening Tool

By JoAnn M. Farver, Jonathan, Nakamoto and Christopher J. Lonigan


Closing the Gap Early: Implementing a Literacy Intervention for At-Risk Kindergartners in Urban Schools

By Colleen MacDonald, Lauren Figueredo


Theme One: The Importance of Early Literacy Skills

Both articles focused on the importance of exposing children to different forms of activities that will enhance their literacy skills; that will benefits students throughout their early years. According to (Figueredo & MacDonald 2010), students who have early difficulties in oral language are at risk for later reading problems.  In the article, “Closing the Gap Early: Implementing a Literacy Intervention for At-Risk Kindergartners in Urban Schools” it was mentioned that kindergarten years are a critical period of growth for students’ emergent-literacy, and oral language. Both articles emphasize the importance of having children emerge in lessons that will enhance children’s literacy skills. Having children expose to literacy activities at an early age is correlated to their level of literacy during their elementary school years.

Theme Two: Early Intervention

Interventions placed during the course of the kindergarten school year give students an additional source of support at a critical time in their development; more importantly, research showed that a tutoring program is a key component of successful oral-language interventions (Figueredo & MacDonald 2010). There is strong evidence to suggest that the problems children experience in learning to read during the elementary school years and beyond are related to the emergent literacy skills they bring with them from the preschool and kindergarten period (Lonigan & Nakamoto 2007). Also, the article mentioned the success of early intervention support the importance of early literacy skills for helping struggling readers and preventing reading disabilities.


  1. Johanna, I agree with both themes, early intervention and the importance of early literacy skills. The kindergarten years and even before can help the children grasp life long concepts of literacy if the teacher does a great job at exposing the children. Early interventions are all so very important to the students as well as the teachers to help scaffold the children's learning as pin point what areas need to be worked on and if any other underlying issue exist.

  2. Johanna, I agree with both of your themes, the importance of early literacy skills and early intervention. I read the same two articles and I found them both to be enjoyable and very informative. As teachers we are always trying to find ways to reach our students and both of these articles provided us with different resources for example, "Exposing them to activities that will enhance their literacy skills." When children have emergent literacy skills they usually read sooner and have an easier time learning how to read.
